FIRE is stupid – here’s some better alternatives

Financial Autonomy - FIRE is stupid – here’s some better alternatives
Financial Autonomy - FIRE is stupid – here’s some better alternatives

You’ve probably stumbled across the FIRE acronym before – it stands for Financial Independence Retire Early. It came out of the US and has spawned countless books, podcasts, conferences, and even a movie. Reddit has huge discussion threads devoted to the idea, with the primary thrust seeming to be how young you can achieve early retirement.

Now I’m well on board with the first part of FIRE – Financial Independence. But it’s the second part – Retire Early, that I have a problem with (as do many in the FIRE community themselves).
Financial Independence grants you choice. Choice in how you spend your time, how much of your time you devote to income generating activities, and what sort of income generating activities you do. Having gained that choice, why on earth would you want to retire?

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